I forgot Mickey Monday yesterday. Let’s blame it on the fact that it was an “early nap” kind of day for the Toots.
We hopped back on the bus to check into home #2. Our happy place. The place we live in our dreams. Animal Kingdom Lodge. We had savannah view for the first time and Audrey was mesmerized by the giraffe’s just feet from our balcony.

I don’t care if you’re 2 or 28, there is nothing more fabulous than waking up in the morning to zebra’s, antelope, water buffalo and giraffe’s hanging out right outside of your room.

We spent a lot of time just exploring our resort that afternoon. After a while we headed out to Animal Kingdom.

The evening was spent with Poppa at Epcot (that somehow I have NO pictures of) and I must say that Disney just isn’t Disney until my Dad arrives. He was my first “Disney buddy” and it will always be one of my favorite places to be with him.
Day 3 next Monday!
Day 3 next Monday!
do you even REALIZE that you posted a "ride on everyone's favorite elephant" right above a *fabulous* pic of the media man???...were you being ironic? ;)